Pacifico Surf Spot


Pacifico is a wave most visitors of Siargao won’t get to see. Many don’t know about it because everybody is focused on the fame of Cloud 9, but a one hour trip to the north-east of the island can be worth it in the right conditions.

While on small days you will find a mellow longboard wave here, the wave turns into a barrel spitting beast when it gets bigger. The peaks are very consistent and you can get very long barrels here if commit to paddle in. The drop is steep, powerful and full concentration is needed to ride this beast on big days. Plenty of awesome places to stay at in the area and you can stop at Magpupungko Pool at Pilar on the way and relax or keep cruising to Taktak Waterfall to avoid the blasting noon sun in fresh water.

  • Bottom: Relatively shallow and sharp coral reef on the inside before getting to the peak
  • Wave Direction: Left
  • Level: Beginner to to pro depending on swell size
  • Peaks: Multiple
  • One of the best lefts on the island when conditions are right
  • Strong current at times


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